Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Sandwich Times - Volume 1

In addition to reviews, I have promised by faithful Sandwich-ites all the latest sandwich gossip that is fit to print and here it goes:

1. For those of us who like to combine their sandwiches with 80's kitsch toys I present this monstrosity (shout out to Nat for the link)

2. New Grilled Cheese only restaurant poppin off at the old Good Eten location in Kensington Market. YESSSS!

3. Neo-Sandwich Patrimonalism or How I performed a good Samaritan act, got rewarded with a free sandwich and was subsequently fired for receiving said sandwich

I bet the sandwich was pretty tasty though.

4. British Airways has killed the short-haul sandwich

5. This is an old one but a classic nonetheless. The genesis of this blog came about when classmates noted my excessive googling of GIANT sandwiches during classtime. In rebuttal, I offer this ESSENTIAL how-to-guide on how to create your own non-edible bromdignagian sized sandwich

Take that snooty law schoolers and all those who question the value of internet sandwich googling.

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